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CML TradeMachine Trade Ideas

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57 minutes ago, krisbee said:

stock: PLAY

Earnings: 12/5/2017

I'm planning to enter 20 or 30 or 40 delta calls depending on price on 11/29/2017 or little earlier.


It back-tests very well -- but PLAY is also in a pronounced downtrend.  Also, very low interest/volume.  $5 increments.  Limited delta choices.

Here is link:


I would have a 25% stop loss -- here is link:

Not a lot of difference.

Also, there is huge interest in Mid January at current $50 call(46 delta); and the back-test results actually improve a bit with the longer time to expiration of 52 days.

Edited by NikTam

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6 minutes ago, NikTam said:



It back-tests very well -- but PLAY is also in a pronounced downtrend.  Also, very low interest/volume.  $5 increments.  Limited delta choices.

Here is link:


I would have a 25% stop loss -- here is link:

Not a lot of difference.

Also, there is huge interest in Mid January at current $50 call; and the back-test results actually improve a bit with the longer time to expiration of 52 days.

I agree. The chart is looking very bad. It broke down today, from a up rising bear flag. This usually indicates the start of a new leg down, not a 1 day aberration.

But, it is what it is. Charting,and one's interpretation of it, has it's strengths and weaknesses , just like any other method.

It's also very individual.

One person might look at todays chart and see it as a great pullback opportunity to buy...and it very well might be.

Another person interprets it as a breakdown of the past week, of a bear flag, indication the start of another leg of a downtrend.

It is the least, of any approaches, to being some sort of exact science.

It's not like saying a 30 delta means there is a 30% of the stock expiring above (below) that strike, at that time.

Edited by cuegis

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5 minutes ago, cuegis said:

I agree. The chart is looking very bad. It broke down today, from a up rising bear flag. This usually indicates the start of a new leg down, not a 1 day aberration.

But, it is what it is. Charting,and one's interpretation of it, has it's strengths and weaknesses , just like any other method.

It's also very individual.

One person might look at todays chart and see it as a great pullback opportunity to buy...and it very well might be.

Another person interprets it as a breakdown of the past week, of a bear flag, indication the start of another leg of a downtrend.

It is the least, of any approaches, to being some sort of exact science.

It's not like saying a 30 delta means there is a 30% of the stock expiring above (below) that strike, at that time.

I would be very pleasantly surprised if this trade worked out.  That's not the feeling I want going in.  Better to be surprised that a trade didn't work out.

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22 minutes ago, NikTam said:



It back-tests very well -- but PLAY is also in a pronounced downtrend.  Also, very low interest/volume.  $5 increments.  Limited delta choices.

Here is link:


I would have a 25% stop loss -- here is link:

Not a lot of difference.

Also, there is huge interest in Mid January at current $50 call(46 delta); and the back-test results actually improve a bit with the longer time to expiration of 52 days.

PLAY - I traded this one last cycle (50 delta, 7DTE, enter 3 day before earnings, exit 1 day before earnings, 40% SL/LG) It resulted in a 28% loss. I'll probably skip this one, given the last cycle and the way things look this cycle

Edited by greenspan76

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I scanned for an unusual strategy..."7 Days Post,Long Straddle"

Near the top of the list with 100% wins, and 275% returns, 2 stuck out....DG, and PXD


They have earnings around Dec 6 and 7.

Then I looked the chart of DG,and I'm tempted to just go long now.....

Take a look, and you will understand.

On the other hand, PXD, looks like PLAY.. a breakdown today from a bear flag over the past week.




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1 hour ago, siddharth310584 said:

From their newsletter, anyone in WDAY and AMBA or have thoughts about those ? They are not doing too well.

I did not get into those trades but the daily chart patterns and indicators I use look good -- but I'm guessing you want to exit today on WDAY and there has been some bearish movement.  I would back-test with 0 days before earnings (AMC on the 29th) and see if there's much difference -- if not, then maybe hold into tomorrow.  AMBA earnings are AMC on the 30th.

I've not been watching the newsletter that closely and I've not had time lately to do any in-depth scans -- but the next big batch of earnings trades won't happen until late Jan and early Feb.

Edited by NikTam

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MOMO: Opened for $1.60. Closed for $1.10. A loss of about 32% after commissions. It would have been a gain on Friday (1 day before earnings), but I held to today (0 days until earnings). Not intentional - that was an oversight on my part.

Edited by greenspan76

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2 hours ago, greenspan76 said:

MOMO: Opened for $1.60. Closed for $1.10. A loss of about 32% after commissions. It would have been a gain on Friday (1 day before earnings), but I held to today (0 days until earnings). Not intentional - that was an oversight on my part.

I do see a lot of chop in the chart last week for MOMO as it tried to come out of a prolonged downtrend that began at the last earnings release.  Not the clear signal we hope for on these momentum trades....


Edited by NikTam

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@NikTam Yeah, I would expect you guys to have better results than me, because I don't pay attention to the trends outside of the actual backtested results. As it stands now for me, this is still just an experiment to see if it is worth pursuing further and I'm not (intentionally) deviating much from the posted CML trades. That said, it is pretty difficult to predict both price and IV change over a 2 day pre-earnings trade, so while I can see potential value in tracking trends on the longer trades, I'm on the fence as to how much value there is in the trend for these shorter term trades. For example, I've had more than one call go up in value significantly on the last day while the underlying price stagnated or dropped slightly. I'm not sure how you can take the inherent uncertainty in trends from a technical analysis perspective combined with the inherent uncertainty in pre-earnings IV change and figure out what's actually going to happen, except to see what actually has happened in the past. So basically, I'm "trusting" the actual past results over the current trends, with the general expectation that a change in actual results means discontinuing that trade. It would be interesting to analyze trends in each of the backtested results and compare to current trends, maybe, but that's a lot of work.

Edited by greenspan76

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1 hour ago, greenspan76 said:

@NikTam Yeah, I would expect you guys to have better results than me, because I don't pay attention to the trends outside of the actual backtested results. As it stands now for me, this is still just an experiment to see if it is worth pursuing further and I'm not (intentionally) deviating much from the posted CML trades. That said, it is pretty difficult to predict both price and IV change over a 2 day pre-earnings trade, so while I can see potential value in tracking trends on the longer trades, I'm on the fence as to how much value there is in the trend for these shorter term trades. For example, I've had more than one call go up in value significantly on the last day while the underlying price stagnated or dropped slightly. I'm not sure how you can take the inherent uncertainty in trends from a technical analysis perspective combined with the inherent uncertainty in pre-earnings IV change and figure out what's actually going to happen, except to see what actually has happened in the past. So basically, I'm "trusting" the actual past results over the current trends, with the general expectation that a change in actual results means discontinuing that trade. It would be interesting to analyze trends in each of the backtested results and compare to current trends, maybe, but that's a lot of work.

I think tech indicators guys like me may have a slight edge but not by much.  If the market -- or just the index -- fails for a day (or a week!) then the trade is very likely going to suffer the consequences.  Number of trades and money management is the best defense.

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10 hours ago, NikTam said:

I think tech indicators guys like me may have a slight edge but not by much.  If the market -- or just the index -- fails for a day (or a week!) then the trade is very likely going to suffer the consequences.  Number of trades and money management is the best defense.

Charting is a funny thing.

It should not be confused with "technical analysis" per se.

I am constantly looking at the charts, but, I never use any indicators.

I just look at price, period.

What helps me the most is looking at price in different time frames.

The big picture (weekly), down to the next (Daily), and once both of those have presented a good enough picture to want to be involved, in a directional trade, I then go down to 15 min, and then 5 min. for precise timing.

I never use candlesticks, only bar charts.

I don't use any indicators because they can have the effect of "suggesting" which way the market is going to go.

Most of it is just many , many years, of looking at price behavior, day after day.

Eventually, you see things, that you have seen so many times before, that it becomes it's own method of probabilities..

I always like to use a very famous quote by Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart in 1964, when interviewed, regarding a case, dealing with pornography, that the court was looking over at that time.

The interviewer asked him if he could "define" exactly what is pornography, and he responded.."I can't define it, but, I know what it is when I see it!"

This is the kind of thing I;m talking about with regard to looking at "price" (not indicators).

Because the only thing that is 100% fact is price.

I don't mean it in the way of saying that "you can use the past to predict the future"... I am not coming from that angle.

I am coming from the angle of what Potter Stewart said.

Edited by cuegis
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On 11/27/2017 at 10:46 AM, krisbee said:

stock: PLAY

Earnings: 12/5/2017

I'm planning to enter 20 or 30 or 40 delta calls depending on price on 11/29/2017 or little earlier.

Got into average price 52.5 cents. 


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2 minutes ago, siddharth310584 said:

@NikTam @cuegis

are the charts for wday or amba  suggesting anything positive. They are getting hammered when the market is up and so wondering whether to bail. 

AMBA ,to me at least, looks like a divergence top, on the daily chart. I would not get long this one.

WDAY, on a shorter timeframe (15 minutes) looks like it just finished a minor , intraday, rally, that has run out of steam, and might have topped out for now.

I would stay away from both.....

But, it is subjective.

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1 minute ago, siddharth310584 said:

Is there any reason you avoided amba and wday as mentioned in the newsletter ?

Which newsletter..The "Discover" tab on CML?

I stayed away for the reasons I just gave.

To me, they did not look good to be worth doing.

I chose the ones that did look good to me.

I don't always follow the exact CML rules 100%.

Their suggestions really just bring new symbols to my attention that I would not have looked at on my own (because there are just too many).

Sometimes they will appear on a scan of 3 day , pre earnings long calls, and it will be 2-3 weeks away but, now that I have looked at all of the charts, I may decide, to me, that something might look like a perfect entry right now, even though earnings are not even close yet.

I just use it as a guide,and don't always take it exactly literally to the day.

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I was not interested in WDAY or AMBA because of what I saw on the charts.  I want to see recent bullish price action in addition to strong back-testing results.

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4 minutes ago, NikTam said:

I was not interested in WDAY or AMBA because of what I saw on the charts.  I want to see recent bullish price action in addition to strong back-testing results.

You mean backtesting with the CML machine, right?

Which test did you use to bring up those candidates?

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2 minutes ago, cuegis said:

You mean backtesting with the CML machine, right?

Which test did you use to bring up those candidates?

Yes.  But I didn't scan for them.  They were mentioned by @siddharth310584 so I took a look.

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@siddharth310584  Higher highs and higher lows are a good start.  Staying about support and/or breaking through previous resistance levels.  Average or better volume.  "Layered" trend lines -- 50 above 100, 34 above 50, 21 above 34, 8 above 21. (Or whatever trend lines you use). This would indicate sustained buying pressure.  But not always definitive and reversal price action would be different and may be no less bullish. 

Edited by NikTam
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On 11/27/2017 at 9:46 AM, krisbee said:

stock: PLAY

Earnings: 12/5/2017

I'm planning to enter 20 or 30 or 40 delta calls depending on price on 11/29/2017 or little earlier.

Entered yesterday 50 calls 40 delta on the downswing up 33% already think I got a little lucky

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Just now, bam1960 said:

Entered yesterday 50 calls 40 delta on the downswing up 33% already think I got a little lucky

Yesterday was not suggested to enter the trade as per last cycle trends.

If premarket was bearish, I wouldn't have entered today as well. pre market being greenish, I entered with 20 delta 55 calls. Yes, we need to be lucky with all the Directional entries and today was extra luck to exit on the same day. (recent MRVL, after exiting, it went 300% up, so not sure how much this will go up) 

NOTE: all these 9 in a row stocks are alerted by OphirGottlieb and all are successful. Personally I could have made more (doubled in many), but exited many with limited profits.


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7 minutes ago, krisbee said:

Yesterday was not suggested to enter the trade as per last cycle trends.

If premarket was bearish, I wouldn't have entered today as well. pre market being greenish, I entered with 20 delta 55 calls. Yes, we need to be lucky with all the Directional entries and today was extra luck to exit on the same day. (recent MRVL, after exiting, it went 300% up, so not sure how much this will go up) 

NOTE: all these 9 in a row stocks are alerted by OphirGottlieb and all are successful. Personally I could have made more (doubled in many), but exited many with limited profits.


Where do you see Ophir alert them ?

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What I was confused by was the timing of the entry since his recommendation was not to enter this early.

I see also, that you don't follow the recommendations directly. You take it as a guideline and then adjust it based on your expertise, Correct ? Does Ophir suggest entering this early anywhere ? The article  ( says to enter 3 days before. I am still trying to figure out the best way to use the services. 

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Just now, siddharth310584 said:

What I was confused by was the timing of the entry since his recommendation was not to enter this early.

I see also, that you don't follow the recommendations directly. You take it as a guideline and then adjust it based on your expertise, Correct ? Does Ophir suggest entering this early anywhere ? The article  ( says to enter 3 days before. I am still trying to figure out the best way to use the services. 

that's why I mentioned it as "Findings". (Finding the quote is where most of the time goes) It's individual's decision to validate and decide when to do. It's just a pattern matching tool to tell what is more probable. I enter little early or little late by doing my own amateurish analysis.

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5 minutes ago, krisbee said:

stock: VEEV

Earnings date: 12/5/2017

6:1 ratio of win to loss. Today it's bearish. Haven't entered yet.

65 CALL?

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2 minutes ago, IgorK said:

What do you think is acceptable entry price?

i kept 1.20 right now. If price keeps dropping, I'll reduce my price accordingly. Please see previous cycles, it gives an idea how much it jumped before earning.

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Just now, krisbee said:

i kept 1.20 right now. If price keeps dropping, I'll reduce my price accordingly. Please see previous cycles, it gives an idea how much it jumped before earning.

I see last 1.50. Long way to go I think. 

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The VEEV chart looks a bit different than the successful few cycles.  The couple of times it had a down move like this at this point looks like it didn't spike back up.  But, am watching it as well.  All it takes is a little pop on these to get 20-50%...

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VEEV, in the larger picture , has strong bullish potential, based on a divergence bottom from end of Aug and end of Sept.

But, it is a volatile stock even without upcoming earnings in the picture.

A lot of big up days immediately followed by , just as large , down days, while still remaining in a clear uptrend that has taken the price from $54 to $64.

I would not take this on as a pre earnings trade with earnings in 1 week.

There could be a lot of volatility ,that may not take us higher , until after earnings.

This may be a better candidate for one of the POST earnings strategies.

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Just now, Sirion said:

@krisbee VEEV with another break downwards today. Still holding off?

I haven't entered, as I was mentioning, if its keep going down, I don't want to enter still I see green.

btw, PLAY is more than 1.2+ for 55 call which I closed for 80cents yesterday.

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Did something happen at 10:30 AM today that caused basically everything to crash?

I was more than lucky. I dumped all of my ES,and VMW near the high of the day.

VMW when it was positive on the day, now down $7,00.

What happened.

Even Crude had nearly a $1.00 swing , back and forth, 3 times, in 20 minutes.

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37 minutes ago, siddharth310584 said:

What do you think about AVGO. Earnings is coming up on 11/6 with CML stating a possible entry 6 days before.

Made just below 50% on it last cycle and would definitely enter today if I hadn't already entered yesterday. I did it yesterday because that was 6 trading days before earnings. I'm kinda wishing I had waited until today now...

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      This article can be seen in a video or as a full written article below the video. 

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      We are testing opening the position 14 days before earnings and then closing the position 1 day before earnings. This is not making any earnings bet. This is not making any stock direction bet. 

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      Click here to see the back-test live

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      Click here to see the back-test live

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      To see how to do this for any stock we welcome you to watch this quick demonstration video: 
      Tap Here to See the Tools at Work 

      Thanks for reading. 

      Risk Disclosure 
      You should read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. 

      Past performance is not an indication of future results. 

      Trading futures and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully whether futures or options are appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital should be used when trading futures or options. Investors could lose more than their initial investment. 

      Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading can be substantial, carefully consider the inherent risks of such an investment in light of your financial condition.
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      If you're curious, yes, this also produced positive returns over the last 3-years. Here are those results. 

      Now we can find some comfort in this approach where is shows 9 winning trades and just 2 losing trades over the last three-years. 

      There are patterns to stock behaviors before and after earnings and those patterns reveal opportunities in the option market, without taking the actual risk of earnings. You can find them, stock by stock, Apple, Google, Netflix and of course Autodesk Inc are just a handful of examples. There has been edge here with this strategy. 

      To see how to do this for any stock and for any strategy with just the click of a few buttons, we welcome you to watch this quick demonstration video: 
      Tap Here to See the Tools at Work 

      Thanks for reading. 

      Risk Disclosure 
      You should read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. 

      Past performance is not an indication of future results. 

      Trading futures and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully whether futures or options are appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital should be used when trading futures or options. Investors could lose more than their initial investment. 

      Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading can be substantial, carefully consider the inherent risks of such an investment in light of your financial condition. 

      The author has no position in Autodesk Inc (NASDAQ:ADSK) as of this writing. 

      Back-test Link
    • By Ophir Gottlieb
      How to Trade Options Before Earnings in Broadcom Limited (NASDAQ:AVGO)

      How to Trade Options Before Earnings in Broadcom Limited (NASDAQ:AVGO)
      Date Published: 2017-05-15 

      Trading options in a short window before earnings are released benefits from the rising implied volatility but avoids the risk into the actual earnings release and also avoids any kind of stock direction risk. 

      This approach has returned a annualized rate of 198%. Now that's worth looking into. 

      Everyone knows that the day of an earnings announcement is a risky event for a stock. This can be explicitly seen in the option market, where the implied volatility (the expected stock move) rises into the earnings event. 

      The question every option trader, whether professional or amateur, has long asked is if there is a way to profit from this known volatility rise. It turns out, that over the long-run, for stocks with certain tendencies like Broadcom Limited (NASDAQ:AVGO) the answer is actually, yes. 
      Yes, there is a systematic way to trade this repeating phenomenon, without making a bet on earnings or stock direction.

      THE SET UP 
      What a trader wants to do is to see the results of buying an at the money straddle a few days before earnings, and then sell that straddle just before earnings. The goal, is two-fold: (i) to benefit from that known implied volatility rise, and (ii) to own the straddle for a very short period of time when the stock might move 'a lot,' but taking no earnings bets. 

      If either of those two phenomena occur, there's a very good chance this wins, if neither occur, the amount risked is normally quite small. Here is the setup: 

      We are testing opening the position 6 days before earnings and then closing the position 1 day before earnings. This is not making any earnings bet. This is not making any stock direction bet. 

      Once we apply that simple rule to our back-test, we run it on an at-the-money straddle: 

      If we did this long at-the-money (also called '50-delta') straddle in Broadcom Limited (NASDAQ:AVGO) over the last three-years but only held it before earnings we get these results: 
      Long At-the-Money Straddle * Monthly Options * Back-test length: three-years * Open 6-days Before Earnings * Close 1-day Before Earnings * Holding Period: 5-Days per Earnings   Winning Trades: 5 Losing Trades: 7 Pre-Earnings Straddle Return:  17.1%  Annualized Return:  102% 
      We see a 17.1% return, testing this over the last 12 earnings dates in Broadcom Limited. That's a total of just 60 days (5 days for each earnings date, over 12 earnings dates). That's a annualized rate of 102%. 

      We can also see that this strategy hasn't been a winner all the time, rather it has won 5 times and lost 7 times, but here's the key -- it wins about half of the time, but the average gain per winning trade is substantially larger than the average loss on a losing trade: 

      Consistently Successful 
      This idea has also been a successful approach over the last two-years:
      Long At-the-Money Straddle * Monthly Options * Back-test length: two-years * Open 6-days Before Earnings * Close 1-day Before Earnings * Holding Period: 5-Days per Earnings   Winning Trades: 4 Losing Trades: 4 Pre-Earnings Straddle Return:  22%  Annualized Return:  198% 
      Now we see a 22% return, testing this over the last 8 earnings dates which is a annualized rate of 198%. 

      Yet again, we see a trade that wins about half the time, but the average win is much larger than the average loss: 

      If you really want to see how we found this, and how to do it for other stocks like Apple, Google and Amazon, here is a 1-minute and 34-second video that every professional option trader would rather that you don't see. 

      Learn more here: Try the Back-tester Yourself

      There are patterns to stock behaviors before and after earnings and those patterns reveal opportunities in the option market, without taking the actual risk of earnings. You can find them, stock by stock. This is how people profit from the option market -- it's preparation, not luck. 

      To see how to do this for any stock we welcome you to watch this quick demonstration video: 
      Tap Here to See the Tools at Work

      Thanks for reading. 

      Risk Disclosure 
      You should read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. 

      Past performance is not an indication of future results. 

      Trading futures and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully whether futures or options are appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital should be used when trading futures or options. Investors could lose more than their initial investment. 

      Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading can be substantial, carefully consider the inherent risks of such an investment in light of your financial condition. 

      Back-test Link
    • By Ophir Gottlieb
      The Secret Behind Options Pre-Earnings Trading in Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC)
      Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC): The Wonderful Secret Behind Options Pre-Earnings Trading
      Date Published: 2017-05-4

      There is a wonderful secret to trading options right before earnings announcements in Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) , and really many stocks, that benefits from the rising implied volatility but avoids the risk into the actual earnings release and also avoids any kind of stock direction risk. 

      What a trader wants to do is to see the results of buying an at the money straddle a few days before earnings, and then sell that straddle just before earnings. 

      The goal, is two-fold: (i) to benefit from that known implied volatility rise, and (ii) to own the straddle for a very short period of time when the stock might move 'a lot,' but never take the risk of actually owning options during the earnings release. 

      If either of those two phenomena occur, there's a very good chance this wins, if neither occur, the amount risked is normally quite small. Here is the setup: 

      We are testing opening the position in Intel Corporation 6 days before earnings and then closing the position right before earnings. This is not making any earnings bet. This is notmaking any stock direction bet. 

      Once we apply that simple rule to our back-test, we run it on an at-the-money straddle: 

      If we did this long at-the-money (also called '50-delta') straddle in Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) over the last three-years but only held it before earnings we get these results: 

      We see a 47.8% return, testing this over the last 12 earnings dates in Intel Corporation. That's a total of just 72 days (6 days for each earnings date, over 12 earnings dates). That's a annualized rate of 242%. 

      We can also see that the win/loss rate is split with 6-wins and 6-losses, yet the return is enormous. That means the winning trades are much larger than the losing trades, which is exactly what a successful trading strategy attempts to do. No magic bullets -- rather smart methodologies for wealth creation. 

      While this strategy is benefiting from the implied volatility rise into earnings for Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), what it's really doing is far more intelligent. 

      The ideal stocks for this strategy have a couple of common characteristics: 

      (i) The companies rarely pre-announce earnings -- this is an investment that does not look to make an earnings bet, so an earnings pre-announcement is the opposite of what we're hoping for. 

      (ii) The underlying stock price of these companies tend to move a lot (or some) as earnings approach and various institutions and traders shuffle the stock price around in anticipation of the earnings result. The more one sided the outside world starts betting on direction -- up or down, the better it is to own the straddle. 

      This is it -- this is how people profit from the option market -- it's preparation, not luck. 

      Test the results on Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc, and the results are staggering. 

      To see how to do this for any stock and for any strategy with just the click of a few buttons, we welcome you to watch this quick demonstration video: 
      Tap Here to See the Tools at Work 

      Thanks for reading. 

      Risk Disclosure 
      You should read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. 

      Past performance is not an indication of future results. 

      Trading futures and options involves the risk of loss. Please consider carefully whether futures or options are appropriate to your financial situation. Only risk capital should be used when trading futures or options. Investors could lose more than their initial investment. 

      Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading can be substantial, carefully consider the inherent risks of such an investment in light of your financial condition. 

      The author has no position in Intel Corporation Inc (NASDAQ:INTC) as of this writing. 

      Back-test Link (does require custom earnings settings).
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