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  4. Skarad

    PayPal billing and cancellations

    Hi Kim, I am currently subscribed in Steady VOL and Steady Yield. I have been patient with the Steady Yield as things unfolded, but am not interested in it going forward. I am interested in Steady Options service. To do this, do I cancel Steadyyield first then sign up for Steady options? Will I get any credit back from the unused Steady Yield annual service that I had paid for? Thanks
  5. There was an issue with today's update. I am working on it. It should be fixed in about 1 h. Thanks for all the heads-ups :-)
  6. jakasspeech3

    How to use the forum

  7. It's all good now for GME. Thanks @Christof+.
  8. Thank you @poseidolginko for the headsup. I will have a look still tonight.
  9. Hi @Christof+. Can you look into the straddle charts for GME? It's missing the Dec/2023 and Mar/2023 cycles. Please advise. Thanks.
  10. I do that but it does not "stick". I have to redo the selection for every chart I run. Does it "stick" for you?
  11. Canuck_Dave Official Thread

    @JoeA click on advanced settings to provide some parameters including the one you want
  12. When clicking on a Straddle link for a stock in the Scanner, is it possible to change the default setting for the charts that appear from "Median" to "Average"? I prefer "Average" and can't find a way to make that the normal way of displaying chart information. Thank you.
  13. Earlier
  14. Kim

    Member of the Month

    Member of the month award for August goes to @Chuck451 and @TraderSL for their continuous contribution of trading ideas and analysis.
  15. georgefx

    Brokers and commissions

    Interesting choices of brokers for commissions, will have to look into most of these as mine was a bit higher! Good to know.
  16. Kim

    Welcome to SteadyVIX

    Things my lawyer wanted me to post: As many members know, Scott Batchelar is a former contributor to Steady Options, who is no longer with our company. Since his departure, there has been a series of extremely hostile emails, threats, and discussion. In light of his threats, Steady Options elected to remove a lot of his content from this website. Steady Options made this decision, not because it has done anything wrong, but simply to avoid the fight Mr. Batchelar was attempting to start. That said, my lawyers have advised me that I need to make a couple of public disclaimers to protect this business: Mr. Batchelar has accused Steady Options of plagiarizing his work. This is not true in the slightest. Mr. Batchelar was a paid contributor to the site who produced works for hire. He also agreed to the terms of service for the website, which grants a perpetual license to publish the work on the website. Mr. Batchelar is no longer associated with Steady Options in any form whatsoever. In the event any member/subscriber receives communication from him, such communication was not sent at the direction of Steady Options, and Steady Options has no control over such communications. Neither Steady Options or any contributor associated with Steady Options is giving investment advice or may give investment advice. Steady Options is considered an investment newsletter (See Lowe v. SEC) and operates under those guidelines. As far as Steady Options and its attorneys have been informed, Steady Options is not under the investigation from the Massachusetts Securities Division. Instead, as should be obvious from Mr. Batchelar's defamatory posts he has been making on review sites, he has filed for registration with the Massachusetts Securities Division. Any time anyone applies for a securities license, they must disclose content they have written. It is perfectly routine for regulators to inquire into past relationships, such as the one Mr. Batchelar had with Steady Options. Mr. Batchelar has provided Steady Options (and included in many of his posts), information about the Massachusetts Securities division. If you have any questions about Mr. Batchelear's activities, his attempts to register SteadyVol as a fund, concerns regarding his registration, or communications you have had with him, you may contact: Hadassa Mixalixen, Esq. Registration, Inspections, Compliance and Examinations (RICE) Massachusetts Securities Division One Ashburton Place, Room 1701 Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1552 P: (617) 727-3548 F: (617) 248-1077 E: While Steady Options is being falsely accused of plagiarism and other bad acts, the only remedy available would be a lawsuit seeking a declaratory judgment, which, given the international nature of such a dispute, would cost well north of six figures. Steady Options believes it is in the websites best business interest to simply placate Mr. Batchelar by removing most of his contributions to the site, while making a disclaimer that such removal is not an admission of wrongdoing, as it had an absolute right to publish such items (in fact, Mr. Batchelar posted such items himself). Steady Options greatly values its members and subscribers, without them we would not exist. We sincerely regret any difficulties anyone may or may not have had with Mr. Batchelar and have put additional protocols in place to hopefully avoid such situations in the future. If any member has any issues relating to this post, SteadyVol, or Mr. Batchelar, please just email us and we'll address it individually.
  17. Kim

    Welcome to SteadyYields

    Things my lawyer wanted me to post: As many members know, Scott Batchelar is a former contributor to Steady Options, who is no longer with our company. Since his departure, there has been a series of extremely hostile emails, threats, and discussion. In light of his threats, Steady Options elected to remove a lot of his content from this website. Steady Options made this decision, not because it has done anything wrong, but simply to avoid the fight Mr. Batchelar was attempting to start. That said, my lawyers have advised me that I need to make a couple of public disclaimers to protect this business: Mr. Batchelar has accused Steady Options of plagiarizing his work. This is not true in the slightest. Mr. Batchelear was a paid contributor to the site who produced works for hire. He also agreed to the terms of service for the website, which grants a perpetual license to publish the work on the website. Mr. Batchelar is no longer associated with Steady Options in any form whatsoever. In the event any member/subscriber receives communication from him, such communication was not sent at the direction of Steady Options, and Steady Options has no control over such communications. Neither Steady Options or any contributor associated with Steady Options is giving investment advice or may give investment advice. Steady Options is considered an investment newsletter (See Lowe v. SEC) and operates under those guidelines. As far as Steady Options and its attorneys have been informed, Steady Options is not under the investigation from the Massachusetts Securities Division. Instead, as should be obvious from Mr. Batchelar's defamatory posts he has been making on review sites, he has filed for registration with the Massachusetts Securities Division. Any time anyone applies for a securities license, they must disclose content they have written. It is perfectly routine for regulators to inquire into past relationships, such as the one Mr. Batchelear had with Steady Options. Mr. Batchelear has provided Steady Options (and included in many of his posts), information about the Massachusetts Securities division. If you have any questions about Mr. Batchelear's activities, his attempts to register SteadyVol as a fund, concerns regarding his registration, or communications you have had with him, you may contact: Hadassa Mixalixen, Esq. Registration, Inspections, Compliance and Examinations (RICE) Massachusetts Securities Division One Ashburton Place, Room 1701 Boston, Massachusetts 02108-1552 P: (617) 727-3548 F: (617) 248-1077 E: While Steady Options is being falsely accused of plagiarism and other bad acts, the only remedy available would be a lawsuit seeking a declaratory judgment, which, given the international nature of such a dispute, would cost well north of six figures. Steady Options believes it is in the websites best business interest to simply placate Mr. Batchelar by removing most of his contributions to the site, while making a disclaimer that such removal is not an admission of wrongdoing, as it had an absolute right to publish such items (in fact, Mr. Batchelar posted such items himself). Steady Options greatly values its members and subscribers, without them we would not exist. We sincerely regret any difficulties anyone may or may not have had with Mr. Batchelar and have put additional protocols in place to hopefully avoid such situations in the future. If any member has any issues relating to this post, SteadyVol, or Mr. Batchelar, please just email us and we'll address it individually.
  18. Hi Kim, I am not complaining just have empathy for a new user. Chris has been responsive and very helpful. I am sure you do it for a reason but I kind of feel like the order of the comments might be better if reversed so you are reading from the lastest to oldest just in terms of relavency. I am sure I don't have any ideas you haven't already heard but will put some thought into it and pass any I think of on to Chris. Thank you and have a great weekend!
  19. Those are ongoing discussions on a topic that started 5 years ago. It's only natural to have many comments, but I believe the first post has all the necessary information to start. If you believe the first post can be improved to have a better description, just contact Chris, I'm sure he will be more than willing to help, as long as the questions don't fall into personal financial advice category.
  20. Kim wasn't replying to me. He was replying to someone else. I have read the section you circled and the nearly 400 comments in the thread. I was just making the suggestion that its a bit daunting as you feel you need to read all the comments which is very time conmsuming. Doubt there would be so many comments if it was crystal clear. That and while many may breeze through it and grasp everything quickly I did not find it easy as a new subscriber. I did however find Chris helpful. I was just trying to offer some sincere and constructively intended feedback.
  21. greenspan76

    Suggestion Needed on getting started with anchor trades

    As an Anchor Trades subscriber, you have access to both the Anchor Discussions and Anchor Trades forums. If you look in Anchor Discussions forum, the pinned topic second from the top is titled "How to start a Leveraged Anchor Portfolio". The first post in that topic lays out step-by-step exactly how to start a new Anchor portfolio. I think Kim is trying to politely say that your question suggests you didn't really even look around before asking (See screenshot).
  22. Those are all really helpful threads but the problem I find is that there are so many posts as one of them I think is almost 400 messages. Ideally there would be a concise fixed updated document to read. It's a bit overwhelming when new to read through and sort everything out. Forunately Chris is responsive to questions but I think I would have less if it was easier to understand everything. Thank you.
  23. From your welcome email: Please make sure to read the following topics: The Anchor Trades Strategy - the strategy general introduction. Leveraged Anchor - the current implementation How to Start a Leveraged Anchor - practical guidelines on how to implement the strategy.
  24. hi Kim and other mentors, After going thru forums I could see SPY roll up for current members but could not find instructions for new users to start with current state of SPY and other index funds. Could I get some guidance to get started on 100K portfolio for anchor trades Thanks
  25. LearPilot

    Welcome to SteadyYields

    Yes, I can confirm this. Something is seriously wrong with him.
  26. MRB

    Welcome to SteadyYields

    I like how above in the posts he says he targets a max drawdown of 20%. He forgot to add the zero to make it 200% as that is the reality of his trading results.
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