Our members already know that we use the data from OptionSlam.com to research our earnings trades. OptionSlam.com has been a very valuable resource for us in the past few years. We are pleased to announce that we have reached an agreement with OptionSlam to offer a 15% discount on annual INSIDER Memberships to SteadyOptions readers.
"Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?" Our members and readers know that buying pre earnings straddles has been one of our favorite strategies that produced consistent gains in the last 8 years with very low risk. Yet there is a significant number of studies showing that this strategy has a negative expectation.
From 1950-2019, the average annual US equity market premium (return of the total stock market minus the return of one-month US Treasury Bills) was 8.37% per year. This was a large average annual risk premium for owning stocks.The premium was volatile, with a Standard Deviation of approximately 15% per year.
Would you like to book a $1,300% gain on a one day low risk trade? I would. That would imply that you turned your $100,000 account into $1,400,000 in just one day. Do it couple times - and you are a billionaire. Sounds too good to be true? It is possible in a Twitterworld. In a real world.. not so much.
Over the past few months, the performance of the Leveraged Anchor strategy has exceeded our expectations. There has also been a few things learned regarding adjustments after large market falls, that had never been contemplated (see Anchor Analysis And Options).
What is the “relative yield” of an option? There is a tendency to think of yield in terms of dollar value in premium alone, but to not factor in other elements. This makes side-by-side comparisons invalid unless adjustments are made. Dollar value by itself ignores the true yield, not to mention moneyness and time aspects.
As our contributor Jesse mentioned, “Don’t tell me what you think, tell me what you own.” As our readers and members know, we offer a wide variety of trading and investing strategies, but I'm often asked where I'm investing my own money. In this article I will share how my personal holdings look like.
After being down over 35% from the all time high, S&P 500 has rallied over 20% from the recent lows in just two weeks. Is this rally for real? Or is it just a bear market rally, a "dead cat bounce"? What the "experts" are saying? Has the market bottomed? Will the selling resume?
The first quarter of this year will end up being one of the most volatile quarters of our investing lives. Many lessons can be learned. Perhaps none are more important than the basic principle of maintaining sufficient cash liquidity in the form of an “emergency fund” during both our working and retirement years.
Traders may tend to think of risk in purely mathematical terms. It can be quantified by analysis and by a deep understanding of probability. But there is more to this than just the math, and for options traders, some of the intangible considerations might have more impact on trading decisions than the formulas.
Anyone who has been trading the Anchor Strategy over the past few months should be extremely happy with its performance.Now that many have realized how well it performs in down markets, one of the most common questions is “what should I do now?”
The COVID-19 pandemic has rocked markets over the past month. The fear of the virus, the fear of the impact on global economics from the mitigation taken on by governments, and, finally, the fear of "what’s next" has propelled the VIX.