Active investors searching for higher returns hear pundits talk about big easy money from options while promoting shady experts like Karen Supertrader and completely miss the entire point of and primary benefit of options - MANAGING DOWNSIDE RISK. Even hedge-fund managers seem to have forgotten what hedging risk means.
When regular-Joe investors begin researching how to trade options they get discouraged by the learning curve, go looking for help and find hype, a lack of individual help, and usually blow up their accounts the first year.
There is no magic system to earn steady returns through options. Just the hard work of studying established strategies like calendar spreads, condors and straddles until you can make them your own. Just the discipline of limiting options allocations to 10% of your portfolio and sticking to your strategy.
Reality is a harsh mistress—until you submit through disciplined practice.
Our trading system produced 117% compounded annual returns over seven years using conservative options trading strategies that avoid big losses against gains won through a steady stream of moderate wins. We post screenshots of our fills to demonstrate that we make all the trades in our own accounts.
What's our secret?
Some traders like to buy options. Others prefer selling them. This is why the markets exist. Our philosophy is building a balanced options portfolio by combining different options strategies. Unlike some other options "gurus", we never claim that our method is the only way to make money in the stock market. But it works for us and our members, and this is what's important.
Here is a post demonstrating member’s wins resulting from understanding the trades and making them their own.
Here’s what one of our long term members had to say, “All trades are discussed on the forum, so you don't just blindly follow them, but actually understand the rationale. It is fully diversified with different strategies and not just few credit spreads or iron condors, so your portfolio is not at risk if the markets move big time. At SteadyOptions, all trades are backtested and only trades that performed well in the past are actually executed.”
We skip the aggressive marketing tactics used by gurus, preferring to let our results, hype-free honesty and productive community forum attract traders with the discipline to work at becoming a better trader every day. Because that is how you get to live the regular guy dream.
Bottom line - we can be of tremendous help to you, but you are going to have to work hard, be focused, and be dedicated to achieve the results you desire. We can only be part of the solution, not the entire solution. We are excited and happy to do our part and we hope you are willing to do the same.
I would like to finish with a quote from one of our oldest members:
"The last year was a huge learning experience for me as trader/investor. I have realized how much I did NOT know, after a BA and MBA in finance. I remember joining this site, and reading terms like volatility, negative theta, and trying to make sense of them. I think, one of the best moments, is when you(trader) stop blindly following and actually start making some of your own decisions on the trades.
Kim always, says: "set your own entry and exit points". I try to do that. But I feel really great, when I make a trade before Kim's alert and happen to be within 2 to 3 cents of his number......"
If you are ready to start your journey AND ready to make a long term commitment to be a student of the markets:
Start Your Free Trial
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