I came across an excellent post from Brian Overby, Senior Options Analyst at TRADEKING. He outlines the top 10 mistakes that new options traders make. Here are the highlights:
- Mistake 1: Starting out by buying out-of-the-money (OTM) call options
- Mistake 2: Using an “all-purpose” strategy in all market conditions
- Mistake 3: Not having a definite exit plan prior to expiration
- Mistake 4: Compromising your risk tolerance to make up for past losses by “doubling up”
- Mistake 5: Trading illiquid options
- Mistake 6: Waiting too long to buy back your short options
- Mistake 7: Failing to factor earnings or dividend payment dates into your options strategy
- Mistake 8: Not knowing what to do if you’re assigned early
- Mistake 9: Legging into spread trades
- Mistake 10: Failing to use index options for neutral trades
You can read the full article here. Highly recommended.
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