But our performance is only part of the story. Our members especially appreciate the value of our trading community.
Here is just one example.
A year ago one of our members started posting a trade he was doing every week. This trade was not part of our official model portfolio but many members started following it. Here is the 2016 summary of the trade performance:
That's right, cumulative gain of 317%.
If you followed just this single trade (which was not part of our official performance), and allocated $1,000 per trade, you would make $3,170 in 32 weeks, or $5,000 over the course of an entire year. This would be enough to pay your subscription fee for 4 years.
How our members are doing following our trades? Here are couple examples.
Our "official" gain on CSCO trade (10.8% gain):
Here is how some of our members played it:
That's right, while we made "only" 10% (twice), some members booked between 29% and 65% gains.
Here is another example. Our official TSLA trade was closed for 14.4% gain. Here is how some members milked it:
Those are real returns from real members. They followed the principle "learn our strategies and make them your own" and implemented a slightly different variations of our official trades and exit strategies.
This is our community. This is SteadyOptions. If you are not a member, this is what you are missing.
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