The YTD non-compounded ROI is 149.8% based on the same 6 maximum trades. Check out the Performance page to see the full results. Please note that those results are based on real fills, not hypothetical performance.
The performance was negatively impacted by two earnings plays that we kept through earnings (AKAM and ADM) and carried from the previous month. Removing those two trades would almost double the performance. As mentioned before, I'm not going to hold any trades through earnings anymore.
Like in October, most losers were in the 3-7% range. But we also had few decent size winners (OVTI, ARO, GPS and CF). The ability to keep the losers small remains the key factor.
The earnings trades are still our bread and butter. But we continue expanding the scope of our trades beyond the earnings trades, Iron Condors and calendars. We started playing GLD and added the double calendar as an additional earnings strategy. We closed our second SPY butterfly trade for 39% gain and the GLD strangle for 20% gain. We will continue refining those strategies to get better results. This gives members a lot of choice and flexibility. I also encourage members to trade what they feel comfortable with. For example, many members chose to play earnings with monthly options only instead of weeklies in order to reduce the risk. I strongly encourage members to take all trades, earnings and non-earnings, as they provide the necessary balance for the portfolio.
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