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  1. Anyone here subscribe to I only heard about them recently via a marketing email since I have TD AM/TOS accounts. I think they've pitched the service to me before when I wasn't paying attention and knew nothing options. My email had a deal where I could get 2 strategies free for 60 days. I later got an update email that had another code for 2 more strats free for 60 days. They're normally $20/month per strat. I'm only paying for 1 strat right now...but will be paying for all the ones I still want when my trial's over. I'm currently subscribed to iron condor, index calendar, vertical spread, collar and weeklies and seeing how they are. One great thing about them is that they to have autotrade but only in TD AM/TOS accounts. You just set how much you want to allocate per trade. They sound out emails discussing the trade, risk, rationale, etc. They seem to be pretty active in taking profits, reducing risk, etc. by making adjustments/closing part of the position. That could suck if you're having them do small trades and on TD AM's ripoff default commissions ($9.99 + $0.75/contract) but I'm not . I asked them how it's done since I once didn't get a fill on an advisory that went out. Turns out I had insufficient buying power at the time and they don't want to take people into margin call. As they explained "These orders fill at the same time the advisory is sent. All contracts are filled under a house account then allocated to individual accounts shortly after. " That sorta explains why it's TD AM/TOS only for autotrade. That also explains how they can get the pricing on fills for everyone. Too bad they can't autotrade on IB. So far, they seem ok but I haven't been on them for long. IIRC, I haven't hit any losses yet and have had some small to decent gainers. Some positions have been partly closed (to take some gains). For others they've been rolling. I did see one notification go out about a loss but I didn't have any position in that. The trade began before I subscribed.