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Member of the Month

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I'm pleased to introduce a "Member of the Month" award. This award will be given at the end of every month to a member who had the most significant contribution during the month. The award will be equal to a monthly subscription fee, refunded to the PayPal account.

How we will determine who get the award? One way to do it is based on members reputation - each time you like someone's post, their "reputation" gets an extra one point. 


Thank you everyone for your contributions! We appreciate it very much and hope that more members take part in our forum discussions. This is the whole purpose of SteadyOptions.

Many thanks for @Ringandpinion for this excellent idea!

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Great initiative Kim and @Ringandpinion.


I probably classify as one of the old-timers here, and like many others who've been here a while, I'm no longer here for the official trade alerts but for the power of the community and the forum. Just look at the sheer amount of contribution made this year by The Three Musketeers ( @gf58, @TrustyJules, @FrankTheTank) - both in volume and quality.


What other trading forum has members where someone :

-          Creates a snazzy python script and shares it freely for everyone to use

-          Creates a whole strategy based on trading call ratios and answers hundreds of questions in return

-          highlights a constant stream of unofficial trade ideas month after month.


Without wanting to sound like a suck-up, I can honestly say that I have re-couped my entire SO subscription costs simply from these three guys. So, in my books, anything that rewards members who selflessly share so much, is a great idea.




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1 hour ago, Kim said:

So.. it's the end of the month, time for a decision. Since this is our first award, we have to take into account contribution of the last few months, not only one month. And this time it will be not one member but three.. surprise surprise.. 

The award goes to The Three Musketeers ( @gf58@TrustyJules@FrankTheTank)

Thank you for your contributions, we all appreciate it very much!!

Wow.  Thank you so much.  This really means a lot to me.   I feel guilty taking the money as I learn so much here so I am going to donate it to a local charity here in Charlotte where I live.  



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On 11/28/2020 at 3:29 PM, Kim said:

So.. it's the end of the month, time for a decision. Since this is our first award, we have to take into account contribution of the last few months, not only one month. And this time it will be not one member but three.. surprise surprise.. 

The award goes to The Three Musketeers ( @gf58@TrustyJules@FrankTheTank)

Thank you for your contributions, we all appreciate it very much!!

Wow the illustrious company I find myself in as well as your kind words mean a lot - there is no greater recognition than that of your peers. Particularly as some rather nasty day jon related stuff has kept me from investing - no pun intended - as much time as I would like in SO. Thank you all and thank you @Kim.

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On 11/29/2020 at 1:29 AM, Kim said:

So.. it's the end of the month, time for a decision. Since this is our first award, we have to take into account contribution of the last few months, not only one month. And this time it will be not one member but three.. surprise surprise.. 

The award goes to The Three Musketeers ( @gf58@TrustyJules@FrankTheTank)

Thank you for your contributions, we all appreciate it very much!!

Thank you very much Kim 😁 Ive learnt so much from all members of the community and am proud that others have been able to get value from my own learning process. I may have said it before but the strength of SO is the depth of the community. The trades from you and @Yowster are invaluable for learning how to trade an options portfolio and the deeper understanding comes from the questions that arise. On many occasions I've seen other members ask the same question that Im scratching my head about and the replies from everyone express and openness and expertise that you wouldnt find any in many other places; everyone just wants to help where they can! 


Thankyou Kim and Yowster for bringing us together and that you everyone for making it such a great place to be.


NB. Thankyou @Ringandpinion for the cool nickname! All for one and one for all. Very apt to describe SO!

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@Kim, it's a pleasure - in fact, an honour - to be part of this community. Not only am I thankful to you, Yowster, and the dozens of others here, but my accountant is also loving you guys from a distance as he prepares my year-end figures.


The forum has become a compulsory daily read for me - a teenager probably checks their Facebook feed as soon as they wake up in the morning and reach for the smartphone, I click the 'View New Content' button on here. I get a greater buzz. Just minutes ago, I see that Yowster has come up with another variant of an earnings trade (on INTC) - how does one put a value of ideas like that? Wow....


Thanks to everyone here for helping to create a great forum, and looking forward to more trades, more ideas, more profits in 2021 and beyond.



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30 minutes ago, Kim said:

The award for January 2021 goes to our long time mentor @rasar

@rasar is with us for over 3 years and his contributions are highly appreciated by members! Thank you!

Whoa ! Thanks, Kim ! I was out all morning, and just got back to my desk to see this, and all the compliments. Thanks, all - I'm grateful for the recognition, but more to the point I'm truly happy that I'm able to be part of such a symbiotic community.

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Wow, thanks @Kim and all on SO.  I'm in auspicious company, even if I did have to look that word up.  I enjoy the ebb and flow of conversation and I'm especially glad to contribute a winner since I've gained so much from other's contributions.  This community makes trading here at my desk not so lonely, so my thanks is really sincere.

Cheers from The Grand Poobah of Dependent Packages (ask @gf58what it means)

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Member of the month award for March goes to our long time mentor, the master of the scalping, @krisbee

His contributions are highly appreciated by members!

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Member of the month award for April goes to @t'pee

This member has been with SO less than a year, but he became a valuable contributor with a lot of trading ideas. Well done!

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Wow, this I did not expect! I will shy away from false modesty but in this company I do feel honored to get this kind of recognition especially since I feel I am only now beginning to get the hang of it, as the home page states accurately; "If trading options were easy...". I have a very long way to go but joining this club was one of my best decisions in getting on the right path at least. Thank you all for making this the community it is, teaching me new stuff almost every day, and for your patience with my, how should I say this, 'occasional moments of dimness'?


@TrustyJules I'm a trekkie so I quite fancy that to be my vulcan name, I would not be annoyed for anyone rolling their eyes in response:)..🖖



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Member of the month award for May goes to @mccoyb53

May marks 5 years since @mccoyb53 joined SteadyOptions. We would like to thank you for your contribution and your long term loyalty!

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On 5/29/2021 at 3:54 PM, Kim said:

Member of the month award for May goes to @mccoyb53

May marks 5 years since @mccoyb53 joined SteadyOptions. We would like to thank you for your contribution and your long term loyalty!

Many Thanks @Kim.  I feel very much honoured and humbled to receive this award. One of the many  attractions I find with Steady Options is that I never stop learning especially when you have so many experienced and helpful people in this unique and awesome community.  

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Member of the month award for June goes to @karsh

@karsh has been with us only few months, but he is already making very valuable contributions to our trading community.

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Thanks for the recognition. I sincerely appreciate the encouraging words from you @kim and from our fellow community members - now and every time.

Becoming a member of SO community is an opportunity for all of us. One would only appreciate this, if one compares this with what we can and can not get even after spending tons of money. I had my share of many years of experience in searching for a miracle at the wrong side of the trading world. 

Finally, I have been looking for a system/group/"guru" who can help me to stick with the basic principles of options trading and show how to fish instead of feeding the fish itself. It is said that, "when a student is ready, the teacher appears" - for me, this is exactly what happened to me. 

I see SO recommendations like GNU - general public license, fully available open source code. It is upto the private companies to transform the linux code into a successful OS like Redhat. 

Similarly, SO alerts come with explanations and alternative options. Vast knowledge base in the form of blogs of the past 10 plus years of info is available to cross reference. It is up to us to interpret and make it useful. I think this is the key to the success of SO in general. 

For me, this is just the beginning. I am still making more mistakes compared to available opportunities. But, my commitment to learning is even more solid. 

My aim is to be upgraded as "Green Oak" one day, from my current status as "While Oak"!   With "Green Oak" being a position of a seasoned trader who can make effortless trading decisions based on intuition and experience.

Thanks again to all.








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Well this was certainly unexpected!! I don’t feel like I deserve to be placed alongside some of our truly great members; most of what I contribute is advice interspersed with general tomfoolery. As I’ve said elsewhere, this is hands-down the best community of traders I’ve ever found. I’ve learned so much in the time that I’ve been here, and I hope one day my time will free up (I have two boys under 3) so that I can contribute more to this amazing place. I’m a software developer by trade, and I have ideas for tools that might help us, I just lack the time to plan and implement them. 


Should I ever have the pleasure of meeting any of you, liquid hedges are on me. Thanks to everyone for making this corner of the trading world so enjoyable!

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Member of the month award for October goes to @Bullfighter

Hard to believe that this member joined SO less than 2 months ago.. His contribution is significant and very well thought.

Well done, and looking forward for more great ideas and analysis! 

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Member of the month award for November goes (again) to @Ringandpinion

Typically I would prefer not to reward same members more than once, but just couldn't resist in this case.. It almost feels like he is two members, with all the content he is posting, so we can consider this reward goes to @Ringandpinion #2..

Thank you @Ringandpinion!!

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Yeehaw, thanks (again) @Kim.  I'd like to point out that this is all a win/win for me.  I get trades and try to give, discussion and conversation helps me learn along the way, and though I consider myself a pretty crappy teacher, it is rewarding to help the others, especially when they are having the same difficulties that I went through.

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Member of the month award for December goes to @poseidolginko

He has been with us for over 3 years now, and his contributions are always welcome and appreciated!

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Thank you @Kim and everyone for the warm messages!  This is a very nice surprise and a wonderful way to cap off a great 2021.  I consider it an honor and privilege to be part of a great community and am humbled by the recognition.  Thanks again to everyone and have a belated Christmas and healthy and profitable 2022.

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Member of the month award for January goes to @deepvalue4ever for his continuous contribution of trading ideas.

We encourage members to continue posting trading ideas - this is what this community all about!


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18 hours ago, Kim said:

Member of the month award for January goes to @deepvalue4ever for his continuous contribution of trading ideas.

We encourage members to continue posting trading ideas - this is what this community all about!


Wow, thank you so much Kim! What an unexpected honor and I'm very grateful to you. The SO community is amazing and I've learned so much from everyone here. This is by far the best option trading community out there. When there's money on the line, people can become a bit prickly, but SO members are (mostly 😁) always polite and supportive of each other.   


As you know, with all the recent market volatility, it's been challenging to find good calendar setups including with our normal suspects like NFLX, AMZN, GOOG, BABA, etc. I've just been trying to think outside the box by looking at potential candidates with solid setups that we might not normally consider for calendars such as PSX or VLO. Like everything else, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. 


Thanks again, Kim, and thanks to all the SO members out there who make this community so awesome! 


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Member of the month award for February goes to @tooriginal for his continuous contribution of trading ideas and valuable commentary.

Here is another example of a member who has been with us for less than 3 months.

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Thanks everyone for the nice comments. I've learned a lot on the forum and enjoy contributing when I can. Looking forward to a full year of trading with the SO strategies and learning more still. 

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Wow, Kim. I'm speechless (for once). With so many great contributors on this site, it's a real honor to be selected member of the month. I am truly grateful and I promise not to slap anyone 🤣! Really, I've said it so many times that SO is an amazing community of traders and contributors that I feel like I've earned a PhD in option trading. I know many are a little nervous with the recent market volatility, but as discussed in a previous post, there's lots of opportunities out there presently and I hope to share them with this wonderful community when I'm fortunate enough to recognize them. And I hope other will do the same!! Thanks again Kim and thank you to the SO community for being so helpful and willing to help each other. Best of luck to everyone!!!

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Well, what a lovely surprise. I've actually just got out of bed to trade the close and I find this. 😄


When I look at the previous winners, I'm genuinely honoured to be included in such company. Everyone of them has contributed to my learning and I can only hope that I will be able to help my fellow newbies in the same way.


@Kimyou have created a great community here at SO. You have built something special and you should be very proud. There is so much knowledge contained here. With brilliant mentors like@Yowster and@krisbee, plus a great team of contributing members, I can't imagine a better place to learn the art of options trading.


I have learnt so much in a short time. I understand that this learning will literally never end, that I can always get better and continue to improve my process. Hopefully I can contribute more to the Steady Options community as my experience grows.


Thanks again and best of luck everyone with their trading.


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Member of the month award for May goes to @tooriginal for his continuous contribution of trading ideas and valuable commentary.

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Thanks for the kind words everyone. It's been a great 1st half of the year on the forum for me. I'm very glad I was able to make a net non-negative contribution as well!

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28 minutes ago, Kim said:

Member of the month award for June goes to @project for his excellent Implied Volatility posts.


Wow, thank you. This really comes as a surprise.


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14 minutes ago, Kim said:

Member of the month award for August goes to @PhilT  for his forum contribution and trading ideas.

Thanks Kim, not sure I am worthy of this, but it's very much appreciated!

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