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Found 1 result

  1. Andycb

    New to options

    Hi everyone, i'm new to options trading and just had a question. I've been looking at different options contracts over the last couple of days and have noticed there is a 'call option in the money' that seems like a good deal, but being new to options i'm not sure if i'm missing something or don't fully understand it. The option has an expiry of 26-Mar-20, the stock price of the company is $330, the strike price is $208 and the premium on the last trade was $9.85 giving it the price of $217.85. Can this be right? Or will the bid price for the premium be different once the markets open again? It just confuses me as to why it would be available at such a low strike price in comparison to the stock price with such a low premium also. Sorry if it's a silly question and there is something so obvious i'm missing or don't understand. I don't want to make any big mistakes when i'm starting out. Many thanks in advance for your help!