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Different Implied Volatility numbers

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I've noticed that IV is stated several different ways. On IB it's stated as a small %(1 0r 2% sometimes less). On Kim's Trade Alerts it's a much higher %( example 36%). Ive even seen expressed as a monetary value. I'm sure they all say the same thing. I'd like to know how to get back and forth between the different ways IV is calculated. I'm sure there are traders out there who are knowledgable on this subject. isure could ese some help THANKS



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When I configure my Watchlist, I insert a column, select "Options" and one of the choices is Implied Volatility. What are these percentages of??  Where should I be looking??

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I did a lot reading last night about IV. Found a great article at . I found it very helpful understanding what the percentages stand for.

Another place I found a different IV number on IB was chart preferences on the underlying stock. If you click on a STOCK chart you'll see a box that allows you to graph "option Implied volatility. I'm just trying to put all the different IV numbers into the proper perspective.

Is there an article on SO that I missed?? 

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i found the corrrelation between the large and small IV numbers in the IB workstation.  On the "Option Trader " page, make sure the Statistics button in the upper right corner js turned on. You'll see a category "Option Implied Volatility. Right click on this category and a menu appears. You have the choice between daily or annual IV. I guess the default is daily because thats the way my "Option Trader was configured. Mystery solved!! 

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