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Understanding single vs dbl calendar

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Hi, I am a newbie here.  I am trying to fully understand the AZO trade Kim posted yesterday.  THis was the first trade since i joined.  Unfortunately i wasnt able to get in, but i would like to fully understand the logic prior to being in anyway.  I have been reading the forum for Iron Condors and Calendars that Kim created.  He talks about "The P/L graph of the single calendar looks like a bell while a double calendar looks like a tent."  My question is:  Is there a free software i can use to get the visual on these P&L graphs.  I had a paper TOS but that expired.  




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Most brokers should provide you the P/L charts. The best thing would be to buy options software like ONE, but it costs around $600/year. 

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HI Kim:  reading this definition of earnins calendars from the iron condor and calendars forum would we necessarilly describe the original AZO an earnings trade as we sold post earnings month?  

Here is the quote from that section:

How about earnings calendars?   

One of our strategies is playing earnings with calendars. Typically we would buy options expiring after earnings and sell options expiring before earnings.





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Well, you did cleary state: "to hold through earnings".   I am assuming it is a modified earnings trade being that the underlying historically has little movement.

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