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How to setup TWS charts for midpoints view

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Hi all,

I allways have problems while looking at the charts in TWS for Options market. I would like to see the correct midpoint price in a chart. When I go to Edit --> Chart Parameters, I choose "What to show" = Midpoint and then in the chart I setup different time scales, but they are different. In attachment you can find 3 Pictures of today's price for the LKND RIC (30min, 5min and 1min bars), which show
I don't have an option to see the charts different as Candles or price Bars. Is there a way to correctly view the midpoint price?

If you have suggestions, I'll appreciate it, thank you in advance.

By the way, I added a screenshot of  my TWS version as well.

Edited by femape

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To see the true midpoint, I always create the chart as a "combined chart," rather than charting the spread directly. 


Go into the chart parameters, then at the very top, change it from "Single Contract" to "Combined Contract" and add your legs individually.  I also like to manually set the scale, as auto scale tends to be horrible on these.  One thing I have yet to figure out is how to keep the scale from getting f'd up when adding the underling graphed against a secondary axis.

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To see the true midpoint, I always create the chart as a "combined chart," rather than charting the spread directly. 


Go into the chart parameters, then at the very top, change it from "Single Contract" to "Combined Contract" and add your legs individually.  I also like to manually set the scale, as auto scale tends to be horrible on these.  One thing I have yet to figure out is how to keep the scale from getting f'd up when adding the underling graphed against a secondary axis.


Thank you for the tip. I managed to add the legs as you suggested. Actually it's like building the trade again! I though you can setup the chart in the way that you select the option combo, e.g. from Orders list, and the Chart will show this combo automatically (with accurate values).

Edited by femape

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Yeah, as far as I know each leg will need to be added, as they won't populate automatically.  See this rudimentary video I threw together for an example.  LNKD Reverse IC example


Edit: Just saw your comment edit, so my reply probably is no longer be relevant. 

Edited by SeanM

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