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IB How to place combo trade in PC vs Tablet

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Hi Pals


Wanted to ask this for a while. I always find it more complicated to place a combo trade in the PC version of IB vs tablet/iPhone version.


Let me explain.

For example, let's say I want to do this trade and want to put a limit order to sell this trade at $1.00

Sell to close 4 SPX September 11 (sep2) 2015 2100 call

Buy to close 4 SPX September 4 (sep1) 2015 2100 call


When I do this in IB trader, I get this box, which i have no idea how to put the selling price of $1 ? What's the order type ? What's the trigger price ?


So usually I saved the combo in a watch list, exit IB trader, then log on to IB in iPad or iPhone. Update the watch list and then it becomes easier:


This one I just enter $1 as limit price and it is okay.



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Hi CivicGuy,


My experience is that you get this box (instead of the usual orderline under Trading/Orders)

when you try to place orders outside the regular trading-hours.

But this box shouldn't pose a problem, it is just an extra step


In the "Limit price" field, you just fill in your price

"Trigger price" field can stay blank

"Order type" field : select LMT

Verify if the right action (Sell or Buy) is selected

Quantity : I always select 1, since you can change afterwards in the ordeline


You click accept (not transmit) and then you get the usual orderline under Trading/Orders.

There you can change quantity, price

Best is to verify, but I think the rest you know

Hope this helps.


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Hi pal


Tonight (when market is open and alive), I tried to close a VIX butterfly and my dialog box is this:


I have no idea how which option to choose. So I ended up closing my IB desktop and open my IB mobile:


And closed the trade easily.


Does that make sense of my issue ? :)

Edited by Civicguy

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Hi Civicguy,


It looks like your "Order Type" options are restricted somehow,

Normally you should have "LMT" and "MKT" (see screenshot)


I get this dialog box only outside regular trading hours


It might be best to contact IB




Edited by 4REAL

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Thanks. IB came back with a fix. It is a corrupted settings file :)



Thank you for contacting Interactive Brokers.

We have failed to replicate the issue on our side. In order to narrow down the issue, please refer to the steps below to change your settings directory to relogin TWS to check the issue again.

1. Please open new TWS login window and click on "Browse...".
2. Please change your settings directory and uncheck "Use/Store Settings on server" to re-login TWS.(For example, at this time the settings directory is c:jts. Please change it to c:jts1.)
3. After you re-login TWS, it will be defaulted to TWS default settings. Please check the issue in the default settings directory. If it works fine which means that your old settings file corrupted, you need to reconfigure your layout.


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