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FB August 2015 Calendar

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Entered a 3-week calendar P87.5 spread on FB today @ $0.59. Long August 21, short July 31.


During the April 2015 cycle, we entered a 3-week spread for $0.56 & $0.54, and exited at a loss for $0.61 & $0.62

The stock was a few points lower, so entering at $0.59 is similar to entering at $0.55 in the previous cycle.

Not a screaming buy, but seems like a good entry level when I compare to the previous few cycles.

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I agree. And previous cycle was an anomaly, usually prices ended up around 0.75-0.80, so 0.55-0.60 should provide good risk/reward.

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Used the pullback today to close the P87.5 @ $0.55 for a small loss (entered @ $0.59)

Closed also the P90 @ $0.63 (entered @ $0.57). So jointly a very small loss.

With the stock a bit off my strikes, and the risk of good AMZN quarter, I decided to exit.

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