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Why can't I just do what you do. I never liked the greeks anyway.

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I`m not sure I understand the question - could you explain please?

You can just follow the Trades forum and follow my trades if this is what you mean.

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"1. I encourage you to do your own homework before following any of my trades.

2. If you are new to options or to those strategies, start small. Increase your allocation as you gain more experience and confidence.

3. Try to understand what we are doing. Ask questions. No question is too dumb on this forum.

4. Don't wait for my alerts if you like the trade. Enter if you like it. Exit based on " Your last sentence answered my question and the quote above is why I asked..

Thank you.

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This forum started as a pure educational forum where I just discussed some of the strategies and shared some of my trades. However, over time I realized that many members want a specific trade alerts. So I continued providing discussions about strategies but also added the Trades forum where I simply post my opening and closing trades. Members who have the desire and the time to learn about the rationale behind the trades, the Greeks etc. can follow the discussions, ask questions etc. I believe that over time, you will get better results if you understand what you are doing. However, I realize that some members just want the trade alerts. If this is the case, just follow the Trades forum for the earnings trades and the Iron Condors and calendars forum for the IC and calendars trades.

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This forum started as a pure educational forum where I just discussed some of the strategies and shared some of my trades. However, over time I realized that many members want a specific trade alerts. So I continued providing discussions about strategies but also added the Trades forum where I simply post my opening and closing trades. Members who have the desire and the time to learn about the rationale behind the trades, the Greeks etc. can follow the discussions, ask questions etc. I believe that over time, you will get better results if you understand what you are doing. However, I realize that some members just want the trade alerts. If this is the case, just follow the Trades forum for the earnings trades and the Iron Condors and calendars forum for the IC and calendars trades.

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